Sunday, 12 March 2017

The Distraction of Attraction

As I get older, broaden my horizons and increase my experience of life, I often let my mind wander to far ranging and sometimes deep topics.  More recently as I have made my daily commute I have been considering the title The Distraction of Attraction.

I have long since realised that when these fleeting thoughts pass through my mind, on their journey through time and space, that they in fact pass through the minds of a great many of us.  Those thoughts passed my way recently and I had an epiphany (I also had to check the meaning of that word so feel free to google).  I realised that, for most of my life to date, I have been incredibly distracted from more fruitful pursuits by the almost persistent attraction to members of the opposite sex.

Now, one needs to understand that fundamentally, being attracted to members of the opposite sex is somewhat essential to the continuing success of the human race.  In my case I won't be contributing to the ongoing population growth of the planet (I can hear sighs of relief all round).  I am still afflicted though.

I think, although if I am honest I cannot make up my mind, that I am envious of those who can dedicate themselves to a calling in life, other than procreation that is.  I wish I could