Sunday, 28 April 2013

Kwak One of my Favourite Beers

As suggested I have taken a photo of some Kwak alongside the glass following on from my earlier post.  Kwak is family brewed since 1791, best served between 5 and 6 degrees it is quite strong at 8.4%.  It offers no further comment apart from saying it is an 'uncomparable Belgian top fermentation beer with a  unique taste'.

In order to take this picture I had to go out and buy six bottles, you never know, one or two may well have been drunk before I managed to take the photos!  I took the opportunity to buy a few others too in readiness for the Summer and a few parties.  In all I spent 140 euros stocking up and bought the following:
  • Tournee Generale.
  • Grimbergen Blonde.
  • Wolf 7.
  • Karmeliet Tripel.
  • Ename Tripel.
  • Oude Keuze.
  • Black Passion (only one of these to try it out).
  • Troll.
I may have got the spelling wrong on a couple of those, I would need to check the fridge to be sure.  I have got others left over from the last few months and some gifts.  I really should do a stocktake.  I will at some stage go through a post more photos of the beers and try and describe them.  Some of them have quite a unique flavour such as Oude Kueze, which is very sour and probably not to the taste of most British drinkers but then here it is highly regarded and is lovely in the summer sunshine (when it makes it's appearance).


  1. Like the portrait, thanks for putting it up, I fear that you might have had a couple of Kwak's before writing the blog though - has the beer really family brewed since 179 (AD)? Heh..happy drinking :-)

  2. Oops, missed a digit there, correction inbound!
