Thursday, 18 December 2014

Barcelona! It Was The First Time That We Met...

Well, actually we first met at Pisa airport and An declined my offer of a sweetie, which sounds kind of freaky in hindsight.  I was with my mother at the time so she should have felt reasonably safe...  Anyway this is not the topic of this blog!

Barcelona, a secret trip that had to be revealed when some work got in the way and then rescheduled, adding more than 120 Euros to the cost of the flights.  I fancied taking An off somewhere nice and at the same time fulfilling my ambition to go to a Dali exhibition. Not much of an ambition but I have failed to see any of his work exhibited (twice in London and twice in Brugge).

So we finally got to the point where all arrangements were in place and I had re-booked the hotel and was hoping it would meet the high standards expected of my better half (I am happy to stay at rather more austere accommodation as long as the price is right).  We decided to take the car to the airport and found that for a 4 day stay it would cost a mere 45 euros.  We elected to take the car because of the convenient strike being held on the Monday and we did not want to take any chances on our return trip being disrupted.  Sadly more was to follow on this, although the disruption came from a slightly different source.  We arrived in good time despite driving through the early rush hour on Thursday to get our car parked.  It was a relatively painless process to get to the airport and we made our way to Gate A as we had checked in online already.  We both took hand luggage and got through security without a hitch, we then settled for the first of many expensive coffees at various transport hubs during our weekend.

The flight was fine apart from being one of the last to board and therefore not being able to find room for my hand baggage, which was then subsequently checked into the hold.  I was asked if there was anything I needed out of the bag before the was placed into the hold, I thought she said it with a hint of 'it'll be the last time you see it' in her voice.  My fears were misplaced and I recovered the bag quickly at the other end.  I had researched the trip and decided that we would catch one of the regular trains from the airport to the city, the hotel was a couple of blocks from there.  In the event it was much more convenient as the hotel was just a 200 metre walk across the square from the main station, Barcelona Sants.  Incidentally we had not been required to show our identification documents at any stage, which felt a bit odd.

Checking in was ok, the hotel had 24 floors including the restaurant and we were on the 21st floor.  The room was quite large by most standards and the bathroom was split into three areas, sinks and bath, shower and toilet.  As you walked in there was a glass partition separating the toilet (and bidet) from the double sink set up.  An did not need to say anything, I knew she would not feel happy either using or someone else using the toilet within earshot!  The shower was further divided by another partition and you could fit a small Welsh rugby choir in there, there was plenty of room.

The hotel was conveniently located almost a kilometre from the Magic Fountain of Mountjuic.

We did a lot of walking during the weekend as my sore feet can testify, but then it was exercise and we got to see a bit more of the city that way.  A four day metro pass is around 44 euros per person, for a single fare on the metro to any other station it is 2.15 euros, not worth getting the pass in my view.

Anyway, back to the beginning.  We had decided (my ambition) to go to Figueres to see the Dali Museum.  In order to do so we had to get up early to avoid wasting too much time.  The journey would take almost two hours on the fast train and cost 32 euros each return.  It sounds a lot but it is worth taking the time out.  The cost to get into the museum was a further 12 euros each.  We were very lucky to get there early, soon the museum was mobbed by pensioners, young kids and annoying students.  It was quite a challenge to get around once the crowds started to build up and not only that the noise was something else.  To get to the museum it is a short walk through the town and as long as you have got your spatial awareness sorted out and know roughly where it is in relation to the station and town square then you should be ok.  There are also plenty of signs too.

I cannot explain why I find Dali so fascinating, I mean if you look at his work you have to wonder what on earth was going on in his head to generate such output.  As always I live and learn with each experience.  My attraction began with his more renowned work, which I could get.  In fact we bought a picture of The Girl at the Window:

As I made my way around the galleries of sculptures, paintings and sketches I tried to understand what was going on, I couldn't.  There is so much happening that to study any of his work in detail would take quite some time, I suppose this means that if you revisit you will not necessarily see the same thing again and this is enhanced by the changes to your own perspective in the interim.  A bit deep but that is as arty as I get!  What I did notice, which worryingly may be a reflection of my own perspective, was his apparent obsession with the anus.  One image, The Tower of Eternal Well Being, shows workers spiralling up to the top as if working towards building up the tower and yet when you get to the top it shows a man, who I take to be the owner, defecating.  To me this is a commentary on the masses being abused by those in power and I viewed it in the context of the Spanish Civil War, although the picture is dated 1973.  There were plenty of other images with explicit sexual references in them and there are definite phases of his work.  I was not aware of this until I had visited the museum but he also designed jewellery as well.  I have to say that I was first attracted by the surrealism and then I discovered his jewellery which I found to be a highlight of the visit.  I am not easily impressed by jewellery but this was something that even I could appreciate.

An's highlight of the trip was viewing the image below having climbed some steps to view it through a specially mounted lens carried by a camel.  A bit much isn't it?  Anyway she said she remembered when she and her sister had visited years before and seen the same view.

On leaving the museum we paid a visit to the shop and then I wandered for a bit to take some photos of the famous tower with eggs on top, again, what was he thinking and what did it mean?

Finally, I have to add that Dali reclaimed a war damaged theatre and re-built it as a museum.  The theatre was damaged during the Spanish Civil War.  He created a shrine from its ruins.

We left around lunchtime and chose to get some food.  We had tapas, and why not?  We found a restaurant off the main square and we chose two dishes each (but ended up getting served a bit more anyway).  I chose calamari with a Roman sauce and a kind of cheese croquet.  An chose brave potatoes (spicy) and king prawns.  We also got some bread with a tomato and buttery paste.  In all it was lovely.  The sparkling water we ordered did taste a bit unusual, although An said it was fine I could not quite identify the flavour.  When we made it back to the station we were just too late to catch the fast train back and thus we had to hang around for a much slower regional train.

On the train there was a man with an accordion, who was busking, An was not impressed and decided to move to another carriage.  When I stood up to follow the train jolted and I ended up falling onto this lady opposite.  She had such a look of utter disgust, despite my apologies.  I thought to myself, surely she does not think that I enjoy hurling myself uncontrollably at random old ladies?  An did not even notice as she was off pretty quickly.  With the mood now set a number of other factors came ito play.  To begin with, almost as inevitably as night follows day, the annoying accordion player moved into our carriage.  An protested but it was to no avail, he did not understand as I said as politely as I could that she does not agree with his music.  At this point my phone vibrated and I went to check it out.  Our flight back to Brussels had been cancelled and this was less than 24 hours after leaving.  The strike on Monday had caused the airline to review its plans and they decided to cancel our flight, even though it was taking place the day before. There was nothing we could do but mull over the situation as the train made its way slowly to Barcelona.  I tried to reason through the possibilities but this was not the time to do so.

We made it back to the hotel around 17.20 and the first task was to contact the airline to see what could be done about the flight.  Eventually I got through having waited for 28 minutes on my Belgian mobile calling from Spain.  We were offered an earlier flight and we had no choice but to accept.  There is compensation available, according to their terms and conditions, but this would require an email to their customer relations department.  Problem solved, better early than late I suppose and this now left us to enjoy what was left of the weekend.  We had lost around 5 hours from Sunday as a result of the changes and if the truth be told my feet were grateful!

So the Friday evening was now kind of partially lost but we headed out anyway and up towards the Old Bullfighting arena that had now become a shopping centre.  This was pretty much like any other and after that we headed up towards the Magic fountain and the other water features up from the Plaza Espanya.

There were large numbers of people and along with the display of fountains there was also music too.  The views were impressive and if you did not feel like walking then you could go up escalators to get to the top.  These are some of the pictures I took:

We walked back to the hotel and had another meal in the restaurant in the hotel, which also has spectacular views.

The next day we aimed to hit Gaudi's Casa Batllo.  This was the highlight of the weekend for me and despite my initial baulking at the 21 euro ticket price, it was well worth it.  Again, I am not easily impressed but this building did impress me as soon as I set foot through the door.  It pains me to say that I did not take a photograph of the staircase, which I should have done.  I did take lots of other pictures, when tourists allowed me a clear shot.  I cannot do justice to the house by trying to describe it but every detail within the house has been carefully thought through from the ergonomic door handles cast from the palm of Gaudi to the innovative way light is appreciated and used throughout the house.  As an example there are two light wells that run down the middle of the house, their purpose is to allow natural light to enter from the top to the bottom of the house.  In designing these Gaudi has also used a stronger blue near the top of the well than at the bottom and this matches the strength of the light so that it appears evenly distributed.  The windows on the upper floors are smaller, again a reflection of the amount of light available in comparison with  the lower floors.  The theme is very much aquatic in nature and perhaps this also appeals to a deep affinity that I have for the sea.  I did not take any photos of the light wells either but I was conscious of taking too long on the tour.  I have given an example of some of the photos below.
Casa Batlllo Facade

The living room windows!

The living room with spiral design.

The spiral ceiling with chandelier ( not the original)

The 'back yard'

The somewhat more austere rear of the building!

The attic spaces

The serpent, or however you wish to see the roof!

More of the attic space!
After visiting the Gaudi house we then walked off towards the Gothic quarter of the city.  Our aim was to grab some lunch, which we did after wandering around bypassing most of the cafes that would have been quite suitable and then we ended up in a small square at a rather inauspicious place.  We chose more tapas, we had ham croquette, I had  goats cheese with a burger and An had a salad.  We did not want too much as we would be hitting the Hard Rock Cafe later on.  In the event we had even more after the Picasso museum! The food was very nice and I would recommend the place if only I could remember!

After missing the sign to the Picasso Museum we wandered the narrow streets, which all looked the same to me, until we basically ended up backtracking.  The Picasso pilgrimage was for An's benefit, I have no love or feeling for his work.  That said we paid our fees and went for it.  I have to say that part of the exhibition included a set of photos by an American photojournalist David Douglas Duncan, a guy who was lucky enough to befriend the artist.  So as a photographer myself, this was a bit of a bonus.  There were some interesting images, including a record of him engaged in producing his art, a diary if you like.  Picasso shows none of the eccentricity that Dali seems to do when photographed.  It was interesting to view the fact  that Picasso almost always seemed to wear a tie when working.  I got the impression that his wife tired of his work, but then there is only so much you can put up with!  what did I learn, well that Picasso did start off with traditional work and then went his own way, which is reassuring as his well known works look like a five year old produced them and, in my humble opinion, is a bit poor.  This point of view was to resurface in what must be the deepest conversation An and I have held about art, but that is later.  There was also a red and blue phase that Picasso went through and there was a fascinating photograph capturing his emotional response to the body of David's Marine friend killed in the Korean war.  Picasso, like most I suppose, reflected his experiences and the times in his work.  It was his record and commentary saved for the interpretation by others.  There were the crowds and kids as there were at Dali's museum.

I almost forgot, we paid a homage to the shoes, An managed to find some shoes that fit her.  In fact there was quite a choice so we had to take advantage.  She bought a pair and a bag (one or  the other was free as the cost was 200 euros).  One of the bags was a snip at 400 euros (we did not buy this), I was taken aback to say the least, I think it was made from the Golden Fleece...  I asked the lady in the shop if I could take some photos, some of which are below:

When we left I automatically steered towards the cathedral and when we got there we discovered a rather large market.  An did not fancy the crowds, so we made our way back round to where we had come from.  On our travels we had seen so many shops with lovely chocolate, cakes, fudge and nougat. Sadly, try as we may we could not find the same ones again.  We ended up stopping for a bit of cake, but the choice of venue was poor, the cheese cake was a frozen and did not resemble the delightful image on the menu and the coffee was overpriced.  We could afford to get some things wrong I suppose.  We decided to head back to the hotel for a break before the evening trip out.  This time we used the metro instead of walking.  It cost us 2.15 euros each, which I thought was quite reasonable.

After the briefest of rests at the hotel we headed back out.  I researched where the Hard Rock Cafe was and checked the opening times.  We caught the metro and found the cafe with little trouble.  The streets were heaving with people and the scene was very colourful.  At this point it is worth mentioning that the shops and restaurants have a siesta and open later in the evening and run on, it is like all year round late night shopping, paradise for some!

We got our table but were quite well fed from earlier so this meal was going to be pleasing my eyes and not my stomach, as my auntie used to say.  I ordered nachos, which both an and I picked at.  It was a rather large plate and too much for the two of us, considering the mains were coming too.  I had ordered chicken fajitas and An ordered a burger complete with chips.  

The two pints of beer helped me to engage in a rather deep conversation about what constitutes an artist.  I accepted after some debate that an artist differs from the average person on the street because they have: talent with materials, the technical skill to compose an image, a story to tell and they can get that across with their art.  An suggested that many modern artists lack the story element.  I have not done the debate justice in those two lines really.  It went on for about 10 minutes or so.  I suppose once an artist is established they can then do their own thing.  I saw Fleetwood Mac last year and they got across the message that basically musicians have to conform to the industry and then when they are established they can do what they really want to do, even if some of us find their 'true' work a bit less than impressive.  And so it is that my opinion of Picasso is that I am not impressed with his 'true' works of art.  He in fact has also been through a bizarre phase, where he seems to have been tormented by demons, at least that is what his sketches were telling me.  An pointed out the connection of his art with other well known pieces, including one by Diego Velazquez.  Now this raised an interesting point, a chain of connections between artists who have been influenced by others.  I have written earlier of how Henry Moore was infected by Picasso (I mean that in a derogatory sense), for years I wondered why Moore chose to produce such a style of sculpture and I found the answer in an exhibition in London.  He got his inspiration from Picasso!  Enough of the arty debate.

Back in Barcelona, we got out at the right time, the clients were piling in as we left.  I took the opportunity to get a t-shirt.  After a brief visit to Massimo Duti we headed back to the hotel.  The following day was our final curtailed day.

Despite the short time available we decided to give the Miro museum a stab, we caught the metro to the base of the hill that the museum was on and then slogged it to the top, through some rather suspect areas.  I had no idea who Miro was, but An pointed out a sculpture near the old bull ring and my comment of 'why has it got a banana on the top?' drew the response 'It's a moon!'  Of course it was, how silly of me, but then that is two different people interpreting art, one who knows and the other who is clueless, I shall leave you to guess which category I fall into.  As an added bonus, again, there was a temporary exhibition.  This one was about the first world war and contained photographs and artwork from the war years, An sat out this part reading a book.  I swept along, conscious of the time.  Miro, well, lots of colour and a bit of eccentricity, sorry to say that I did not get it and could not see the story he was trying to get across. We walked back down towards the Magic Fountain and caught the metro back to the hotel, where we had left our bags.  The plan was to catch a taxi back to the airport and as far as the onward journey went it was uneventful and nice to be back in our warm house.

On the subject of architecture and the Spanish cities, two of the most prominent features for both of us was the sheer quantity of graffiti and concrete.  On further observations An and I differed.  I find the buildings and streets quite scruffy and run down, dirty by far.  An on the other hand thinks it is a style on its own and made the comparison to any other city in the UK or Belgium.  I have to say I feel the same way about the club med countries, the buildings, apart from the special ones of course, don't appeal.  Barcelona has a lot of great buildings and architecture but by God they have built seemingly endless tenement blocks, which in my view are unsightly.  An is right though, the same can be said for London or Newcastle but it is only my opinion of course.

I would thoroughly recommend the city and the four days (3 1/2 we had) are not enough to do it justice.  I am hoping to go back again.

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