Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Give This Post a Miss if You Are Averse to the Word Fuck!

The great thing about the mind is that you can entertain yourself without upsetting those around you.  As I travel back and forth, I take time out from the real world and delve into my mind to seek out distraction, solace or relief.

The warning in the title of the blog is essential, if fact I am not sure if it will be censored altogether.  My intention is not to offend but to open my mind to you, if you are interested in the musings of a commuter.

So, Fuckwits.  That was not a form of address, but the subject and more to the point the application of this noun (I had to look this up and quite frankly I am not convinced I am using the term correctly, I could qualify as an ignorant fuckwit in such case).

So why?  What is special about fuckwits?  Well let me tell you, there are some particular fuckwits out there that deserve special attention.

We are living through a particularly challenging time in the UK where there are over 600 useless, arrogant and ignorant fuckwits deciding, or not as the case seems to be, our future.  One could argue that they are cockwombling, cunting fuckwits, but let's not stray from the point.  Try getting your mind around that description, it is a thought that you can dwell on for a while.

I am not biased, it doesn't matter whether you are a remain fuckwit or a leave fuckwit, collectively it is better to just blanket the term across all.  We often do this when thinking of fuckwits at large, and I don't mean roaming bands of fuckwits, although on a Friday night these can be found congregating around pubs and nightclubs, throwing up and fighting with each other.

Of course the term can apply on an individual basis such as when I lost my hearing aid at the weekend and labelled myself a total fuckwit.  It had been a long, painful and expensive week.  I had my car repaired by some dodgy fuckwits, I say that because the fault they were meant to address was not resolved and I had to rely on a trusted garage to apply a rather expensive fix.

Still, where were we?  I am often surrounded by ignorant, mindless fuckwits, who cannot walk on the left, take their eyes from their phones, express any manners or indeed acknowledge their fellow commuters.  Occasionally there are rare moments when you discover the human being travelling with you, that is, among the zombie fuckwits.

I have to say the term fuckwit is not one that I use in my everyday discourse and that is not due to the lack of them around me.  In fact, thinking about it, it tends to be when I am driving and I am threatened by the dangerous manoeuvre of some thoughtless fuckwit.  The kind of mental fuckwit that has no concept of personal space.  The kind of fuckwit that believes that it is sensible to hog the middle lane of the motorway.  We could spend all day on this.  Bus drivers often qualify when they lack the skill or will to apply the correct level of force to the accelerator and brake.

I don't believe that you can have an intelligent fuckwit, bit of an oxymoron (yes, I looked that up).  That said, intelligent people can be arrogant and insensitive fuckwits, so no escape there.

Useless fuckwits, now there is a wide ranging category, I think back to my training and watching some of these trying to master the art of weapons training.  I was in despair that they were on the same side as I!  You can have disorganised fuckwits trying to run your life, these tend to be immune to the consequences of their actions.

The thing is, when my mind applies this broad brush label to my fellow fuckwits, it is a sweeping judgment that takes no account of who they are, what their intent is, what they are going through or what they have dealt with.  It is a judgement that I would normally keep firmly in my own head, no need to upset anyone is there?

My mind, your mind, is such a great place if you want to explore it and are free to demolish the ethical and moral boundaries that we usually have to adhere to.  After all, we can't yet be arrested for having inappropriate thoughts, at least not yet.

My god, it would be like Tourette's, think of the movie What a Woman Wants, only with the gloves off.