Tuesday, 18 February 2014

No, Really, It started With My Zip

Every morning when I go to work my alarm goes off at 05.15, this is a bid to avoid the heavy rush hour traffic.  I usually get to work around 07.00 and that is a clear 1 1/2 hours before I am supposed to start.  This has benefits, primarily it means I can have my breakfast and read my kindle in relative peace before the rest of the team turn up.  Sometimes, more often than not I will do some work, although usually I will do some personal development such as learning Dutch or reading.  It is a peaceful start to the day, which can be shattered by the odd crisis and someone being in early.  Occasionally, if I am really tired, I will have a half hour nap, which is ok whilst it is dark in Winter but in Summer it is a bit of a non-starter as my office has massive windows.

Anyway, when the Marimba alarm sounds, it is time to lean over, hug and kiss the wife and then slip out of bed.  As I rise, my body begins to stabilise as gyro control is initiated.  Every now and again I have a wobble, depending upon whether I had a decent nights sleep or not.  Now I must add that the alarm is as loud as a fire alarm and my hearing being low I make sure it stays loud.  An must love this.  Sometimes, to my annoyance, I wake up before the alarm goes off, in some cases this is just minutes before, a wasted opportunity to sleep!

Being a former watchkeeper, I value both being silent and keeping the lights out.  I am quite considerate in this respect, I go to the sock and underwear drawer and remove a set, whilst my night vision is still good.  After that I fold back the rug and close the bedroom door to prevent the flood of light waking An up.  At this point I do the usual evolutions; toilet, weigh myself, shave, brush the teeth and shower.  My night vision is now shot through and I am quite awake by now.

I pre-iron my shirts on a Sunday and thus it is quick and easy to get dressed and grab my bag, which is normally pre-packed.  Today I changed my routine, forgot my trainers and missed out on PT, shame...

Recently, due to the total ban on shoes being upstairs, my routine had to change.  Usually I would come back upstairs before departing to give An a hug and a kiss.  Now I do this before heading downstairs.  A couple of weeks ago I had finished up and switched the lights off in readiness to open the bedroom door, my night vision having gone, I then proceeded to enter the bedroom and fumble my way down An's side of the bed.  She was watching me, as her night vision was still well established.  She continued to watch as I overshot my target and gently and delicately kissed the headboard.  She was wondering what the hell I was doing and I was lucky not to hit my head on the wall.  Needless to say I re-orientated and managed to locate the target some 40 cms further back from my initial estimate!

The next most important evolution is to feed the cat, who has been sitting patiently on the other side of the kitchen door, waiting for me to come downstairs.  He clearly hears me getting ready and is well established in his routine.  Sometimes he is outside and he waits for me to unlock the door, heaven forbid he should use the cat flap!  As I put the food in his bowl he makes sure that my uniform trousers have a good few cat hairs to mark the fact that I belong to him.  The last thing I do is grab my yogurt, keys, wallet and pass and then head out of the door.

As I leave it is like doing pre-flight checks in the car, depending upon the weather the heating and demisting kicks in and I establish the music for the journey and initiate the navigation.  Usually this is a rolling task as I am departing the street.

I promise the next one will start with the zip!  You know what it is like when you get going...

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

It Started With My Zip

Sometimes I can barely remember what I did last week and the weekend of the 2/3Feb was one of those.  I read recently that the brain requires a certain amount of sleep each night in order to transfer memories from the short to the long term store, otherwise they are lost.  I am not sure how true that is but I can vouch for being more forgetful than most when failing to get a good nights sleep.  My regime during the week is to go Monday to Thursday departing from home at around 05:45 and getting back at 19.00, although these last few weeks work has been even more demanding than usual.  I normally work from home on Friday but not recently, the result is a general lack of sleep which cannot be good.

On the 31 Jan my wife and I decided that I would drop by Ikea and pick up a body form mattress topper, this is not a great description as it sounds like a sanitary towel for a 60 foot menstruating woman...  Anyway, whilst there I was meant to pick up a couple of toilet brushes and a couple of winter duvets.  You would not believe the difference it makes but of course it would not be a straightforward trip.  Needless to say we guessed the size of our bed and duvet covers and therein lay the first problem.

As I was going to use the Ikea near Sterrebeek I was keen to get in and out before the inevitable rush hour traffic set in and the place was choking with mad people trying to get home.  I naturally got straight in and decided to pretend I was a salmon and go up river against the flow of the traffic.  Like most, I would imagine, I don't like the way they get you to follow the set route and never have a straight path through all the displays.  I mean I just needed an express route, I did not want to joust with pushchairs or follow wandering nomads as they walked in their zombie like state looking for inspiration, I was a man with a mission and I had done my research too (on the UK site, which would prove to be a slight inconvenience).

I found the bedding department and after waiting for another customer to discuss the physics of mattresses with the assistant and shift, I then quickly checked the mattress toppers out and discovered and noted the required details for our 200 x 160 product.  I then shifted target to the duvets.

Now we have had somewhat thin and feeble duvets for some time now and have never really taken the opportunity to change them, but after reminiscing about the cuddly and warm feeling of previous ownership, I managed to persuade An of the requirement to experience a more comfortable duvet.  Now the UK have a TOG rating, which I believe runs from about 5 to 16 or so, the higher it is the heavier and warmer the duvet.  I was kind of hoping that this was an international standard but no, the system in Belgium (and it may not be purely Belgian) was a number between 1 and 6, again the bigger the number the heavier.  I think this is a case of kilometres and miles but I am not sure.  SO I selected a nice heavy duvet and guessed that the size would be ok, we have two single duvet and in fact there was only 1 size so no real problem there.

Having done my research I then started zombie dodging my way to the warehouse, gabbing a couple of toilet brushes on the way (not as weapons you understand).  I found the mattress and decided to go through the self-scan, quick eh?  No, not when you have people with the technological dexterity of a blind elephant who has a leg in a caste.  It seemed to take such a painfully long time for them to work out how to operate the equipment and scan their goods, there was an older couple, a heard of 25 somethings and someone who just couldn't care less.  I took maybe a minute if that to scan, pay and move.

I already knew that the mattress topper would not fit in the boot of my rather nice car, the one I had decided was not going to be used to transport cargo, the one I had deliberately chosen not to have folding rear seats.  Anyway, I had to get the mattress across the back seats of the car and, funny old thing, it was too big.  To be honest it took just a small adjustment of moving the passenger seat forward and hey presto I only had to magic it in between the parked cars.  Once I had squeezed my giant tampon into the car I got underway.  I would be just the right person if I encountered a fuel spill or a small flood.  I actually made pretty good time and was home about half an hour later.

As soon as I was home I unloaded the car, without being smacked in the face by the large tampon, it was spring loaded in the car.  I decided that it would be best to measure the bed and duvet covers before risking unwrapping the stuff, just as well.  This was when I discovered that the bed was in fact 200 x 140, I could have gone for the sanitary towel for the slightly smaller menstruating woman and avoided being smacked in the face as I got it out of the car.  Cue another trip to Ikea the following day.  The duvets were not a problem and lets face it you can't go wrong with toilet brushes...

On the Sat we hit Ikea before the bulk of the zombies turned up and returned the extra large tampon and were given instructions on where to find the slightly smaller (and cheaper one).  We were given a plastic 'gift card' as they don't do refunds.  Inconvenient but not a problem.  We went to the aisle as directed and, WITHOUT CHECKING, picked the product off the shelf.  We did check the size and take it from the location as described.  We whipped it though checkout and noted that the price was considerably lower, we realised the error and then had to go back to returns, where they issued us with yet another plastic card.  They could not just simply credit the existing one, too easy.  To add insult to injury they then said WE should check before going through.  The correct product was in a completely different location so it was an easy mistake for THEM to make!

Anyway we now have a very warm and comfortable bed, it was not bad to start with but now it is positively luxury.

The bit about the zip comes later, that was the start of a hectic week at work and the mini-dramas that unfolded, but more of that next time.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Christmas In Belgium

I have often been asked what its like in Belgium at Christmas time and the truth be told after 8 years I am still non the wiser.  They do celebrate on the 5/6th December with Sinterklaas which is something I have never been around for, but then it is for the kids really.

The real Christmas for us starts with the ordering of the food.  My wife and I plan the menu, although she leads of course.  I am consulted only to make me feel like I have been involved in the decision making process, a bit like choosing furniture or how the living room should look...  In a way it is quite fair as she does the vast majority of the preparation of the food, I am basically a skivvy that moves things around and runs errands.  It is a busy time, what with all of the social events as well as organising our own party.  The family come down from Antwerp, the UK and round the corner too, it is a great day of fun, eating, drinking and generally being merry with the occasional stressful moments thrown in, nothing unusual there then!

The food we have is a kind of hybrid of UK and Belgian, so much so that, apart from the obvious differences, it is sometimes hard to explain.  I suppose the first time we had our party was the most stark, there were that many side dishes that we practically ran out of space.  It was interesting watching the Belgian side of the family sticking to their familiar dishes and the UK side sticking to theirs, so much for integration!  As an example the Belgian tradition includes warm pear halves with freshly made cranberry sauce, steamed chicory, boiled red cabbage with bay leaves, croquettes and green beans with bacon wrapped around.  Some of the evil vegetables such as Brussels sprouts are common to both. But things such as pigs in blankets, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, sage stuffing and Yorkshire puddings are a definite UK contribution.  I, lacking in style and taste, prefer cranberry sauce from a jar than the rather rich home made stuff that my wife makes. What made my day one Christmas was that my youngest niece choose the jar over the home made stuff.

For the meat we have had, turkey, duck and pheasant.  To the surprise of the wife my mother said the best way to cook the turkey was very slowly, overnight at low temperature.  That way it stays moist and is a rather nice aroma to wake up to in the morning.  Buying pork is a bit of a snag as the thought of having crackling is somewhat repulsive to most Belgians and when you think about it eating the fatty roasted skin of a pig you can understand why!  There is a local butcher who knows what to do when you want a proper bit of roast pork with apple sauce.

The meal itself, for us at least, is spread over the whole day from around 13.00 onwards.  There are nibbles, soup, main, Belgian Christmas cake, Christmas pudding, Brit Christmas cake, cheese with bread and crackers, coffee and sweets throughout.  It is more like grazing and the alcohol begins with champagne and then diverges off into red wine, beer and other various soft drinks and shorts.  I think I have mentioned the heart attack Christmas cake before, it is a different kind of heart attack to the heavy UK fruit cake with icing and marzipan.  The Belgian version is lots of cream, sponge and bits of fruit too.  Some dare to take the UK Christmas pudding, which is so heavy that it will send you off for a nap if you are not careful.  Crackers (the edible kind) are a UK contribution to the cheese round.  Normally for the Belgians you have bread, which includes nut, raisin and sugar bread.  Crackers have taken off here as readily as the properly made cup of tea!  One of my favourites is the nut bread, but by this stage I am struggling to find the room for it.  I didn't mention it before but we have formed a tradition by which An makes chicken liver pate every year, it is divine.

Also introduced to the Belgian table were crackers (the pulling variety), party poppers and rocket balloons, oh the fun and mess of those.  The cat is non too keen on these noisy party pieces though, he is normally in a self imposed exile in the garage from quite early on, even when tempted by the aroma of turkey.

So the run up is getting all of this together and it is becoming quite a well organised affair.  We order our cheese from a delicatessen in Leuven and I pick it up on Christmas Eve on my rounds.  The shop is near the fish market in Leuven, in which it is notoriously difficult to find a parking space.  This year I made the fatal mistake of failing to choose between the car park at the station, where there would definitely have been a space and the fish market where there was unlikely to be a space.  I opted for perhaps the most tight of all multi storey car parks in the world and took on the challenge of getting my car into it.  The car park was designed to house smart cars and mine is about three times longer and twice as wide.  The hardest part was that of getting through the barrier, where the company had helpfully placed an additional steel shaped edge, presumably to protect the wall and not the cars going in, the effect was to narrow the gap.  It felt like navigating a supertanker in the Suez Canal but with a lot less space on either side of the car...  I was happy to see that I had to go to level 4 before managing to find a space big enough to accommodate the car.

The trip usually includes a visit to the local butcher or whoever is supplying the meat and a  trip to the supermarket to pick up the pre-ordered food.  An normally pre-orders the food so that we just have to collect, the thought of jousting with fellow shoppers just doesn't appeal.

Sometime before then I do a run to the UK to pick up the essential Brit stuff, including boxes of Quality Street, crackers (both kinds), puddings, jam and a host of other things.  A trip to the brewery and on Christmas day itself I am dispatched to the bakers to collect the cake and other baked goods.

In reality things are not a lot different between UK and Belgium, I suppose each family has its own special way of doing things.

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Old Year's Evening

In Belgium the 31 December is known as Old Year's Evening as opposed to New Year's Eve.  As I write this I am braced for the tide of children and accompanying adults who will begin to call on our house to sing.  A tradition here is to go out and sing on Old Year's Evening and be rewarded with sweets, it is a bit like Trick or Treat but without the Halloween costumes.

I don't know whether this is a local thing or a national thing but I am glad it doesn't happen on New Years Day otherwise the reception they get would be less than pleasant.

Anyway the kids are meant to sing a song, apparently the same one and I wish I knew what it meant.  The adults accompanying them do so at a safe distance, you have to feel for them having to get up even earlier than their victims to prepare the kids for their frosty outing.  One year I had forgotten they were coming and therefore had no sweets ready, we really scraped the barrel that year, they got all of the rejected sweets from Christmas.  This year we have bought sweets especially for the occasion, they are candy necklaces, the ones where you can bite halfway through a candy loop and then fire the other half across the room using the elasticated necklace.  It can be quite effective at close range!

They have until 12.00 then all bets are off, so far we have not had anyone and it is 08.42.  I wonder if being midweek and a working day it has had an impact on the numbers of parents able to escort the kids?

It is a bit odd but I feel I cannot go to the toilet until 12.00!  I mean it is not like waiting for a delivery or a tradesman to turn up, I think I should be able to afford missing one or two renditions of the song for the sake of comfort.  Sods law as soon as I get to the bog the door bell will go.  I was thinking of answering the door in my underpants but then I don't want to scare the neighbours.

The cat is peacefully laid next to me on his special fur rug, he is even snoring.  He was harassing me earlier, well seeking attention.

Back in the UK we never did this singing malarkey as a child, we did work.  We used to go around clearing snow from paths and getting rewarded for it, sometimes well other times not so well.  Child labour, you can't beat it.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Wasps! Quick Call The Fire Brigade!

During the Summer we noticed that there seemed to be quite a few wasps around our garden and although they did not pose a problem as such it was a concern.  Towards the end of the Summer I noticed that there seemed to be a bit of a swarm above our bedroom window, the nest, it would appear, was between our roof and the insulation in the loft.  At the time An and I were lying on the lawn looking up and we decided that the weather would soon bring a frost and that they did not seem to be doing any harm.  That was to change.

As the weather got colder the wasps started to find a way into our house, which at first was not so obvious.  We would regularly come home from work and find the odd one gazing, longingly out of the window.  We eventually found out that they were coming through the light fitting in our bedroom.  If you have ever seen The abominable Dr Phibes you can understand my slight concerns with them getting into our room at night.  Enough was enough, An called the fire brigade.

In the UK you can call the local council or a pest control company and they will sort out your problem, but here in Belgium it is the fire brigade that sort out wasps.  In fact the sister-in-law has called them out no less than 7 times, I think there is a pattern developing here...

Now before you get excited the fire brigade does not turn up en masse, no, they make an appointment and two of them (in our case) turn up with a flat bed truck, a ladder and some chemical spray in a dispenser.  The two who showed up in our case were like chalk n' cheese, one had a face only a mother could love and the other, who was about 12, looked like he could have been a stripper part time.  I was out when they eventually arrived leaving An to show them to our bedroom!  They got right to work and I caught them after they had finished.  It was awkward, I mean what do you say to a couple of firemen who walk out of your bedroom as you get home?  All innocent I assure you! Anyway they sprayed a few of the wasps and the idea was that they would infect the rest when they went back into the nest and they should all die off in about 4 days.  They also assured us that they would not have damaged the insulation or the roof and that they will not return the following year.

Roll on two weeks and we had no less than 20 or so wasps coming though the light fitting in dribs and drabs, in fact after the visit there were about 5 or so on day one.  The poison was working but I was not keen that they were potentially falling onto my head as they escaped from Agent Orange.

This morning at around 6am I woke almost instantly to the feeling of something landing on my chest and rolling down my t-shirt.  Faster than any Ninja and realising the possibility that a somewhat drowsy wasp was potentially about to attack my tits, I sprang up lifting my top and backing away from the area of the bed near the pillow.  Now at this point I was not sure if I was imagining it but it was too late for that, An remained in slumber as I did what any sensible person would do and I switched on the bedside lamp, this was a mistake but then a blessing.  The wasp saw the light and, forgive the pun, made a beeline for it!  Now the thing had some energy from the warmth of the light as he began to play pinball in the lampshade.  An was now rousing from her sleep as I alerted her to our intruder.

The wasp in the meantime was now quite active having had the equivalent of a defibrillator activated against its hairy ass.  It flew out of the lampshade and smacked into the wall dropping behind the headboard.  An helpfully said 'well, what now?'  I was actually relieved as the chances of the wasp getting up of the floor were quite slim judging by the previous victims we had seen.  That was not good enough though, we could not let this rest.  We started to move the bed but on doing so to our horror we noticed the amount of dust that had gathered there and that the wasp was somewhat overwhelmed by it.  Making a mental note to hoover at some point soon, I realised that I would require the arms of an orangutan in order to get to the wasp and kill it.  Not having an orangutan handy I had to think of something and quick before he made a bid for freedom.  At this point he went for it and got under the skirting board, to the protest and despair of An.  It was not to last.  I grabbed a towel and by that time he had come back out, presumably not finding the cramped conditions to his liking.  I dropped the towel onto him and dragged it to the side of the bed, An then did the deed and killed him.  Now we were awake at 6 am on a Sunday morning, bloody marvellous!

I managed, much to the annoyance of An, to get back to sleep.  I drempt of being based in a WWII airfield that was being bombed, I had to man my anti-aircraft gun with my crew and I had difficulty finding them in the dark.  An did eventually get to sleep and she drempt about giant wasps chewing their way through the brickwork!!!!!!!  Make of that what you will.

Anyway just remember if you need to get rid of wasps then call the fire brigade, they cost about 28 euros and will come back out if they don't manage to get them the first time round.  So as well as getting rid of the wasps you can get a free show too!

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Learning Dutch

It has been some time since I last wrote on the blog, work has been somewhat busy as has life in general.  Anyway I am due to change career in about a years time and as such I am exploring the possibility of seeking employment in Brussels.  To further this aim I have started to take Dutch evening classes.

One can argue that it is probably better to learn French, that being the language most widely spoken in Brussels, but I also wish to hold decent conversations with my family and argue effectively with my wife (only kidding)!

The course which I signed up to back in August was for 1 evening per week from 18.15 - 21.30.  The course lasts an entire academic year and ranges in levels from 1 to 8.  You can take up to three evenings per week but for me that would be quite unworkable.  I would only need to do 1 term to complete level 1 and thus if I had the time it would be quite handy.  We were left under no illusion though, homework is a must, so clearly if you can allow the study to dominate your life then you are ok, if not then it has to be at a more reasonable pace.

The course I have enrolled in is subsidised by the Flemish Government and costs only 72 Euros, which is quite outstanding value for money.

The only drawback for me is that I have to commute from work through the hellish rush hour to get to my school in Leuven in good time to begin.  Most of the time it has not been a problem but it does not take much to stop the traffic dead.  I have had to miss a couple of lessons so far due to work but you are allowed to miss a given percentage and still pass the course.  I am quite lucky as I have been studying Dutch for around 7 years and therefore it is relatively straightforward.  I must add that I am in level 1, as my grammar and writing is not good enough for level 2.  The result of that is I am way ahead of most of the class and I can understand almost everything the tutor is saying (the lesson is delivered in Dutch with occasional English explanations).

My class is quite a mixed bunch in terms of nationality and profession.  There are Spanish, British, French, German, Italian, Bosnian, Russian and Ukrainian people.  All of them are quite pleasant and cheerful, despite us all being tired after working during the day.  Some, like myself, are quite good others struggle a bit.  There is a break at around 20.00 for a coffee, chat, toilet and smoke (if that spins your props).

The format of the lessons varies with one to one with classmates, delivery by the tutor, video, written exercises, repetition and questions from the tutor.  Having taken the Teaching English as a Foreign Language, it is not quite as varied as that but it is enough.  As an example we recently discussed prepositions, there were no practical exercises to demonstrate these.  In one lesson I had to explain to my colleague the individual components of a sentence so that he could understand what it was that he had to say as an answer.  The question was 'What was the name of your first pet?'  I had to explain this without the benefit of English as he did not understand that.  The tutor did not feel the need to demonstrate the difference between mine and yours (which I did with the aid of a pen), what a pet (huisdier) was, what first (eerst) meant etc.  To be fair he was a complete beginner but then that was level 1!  Still it helped me in developing my communications skills and ability to teach too!

The problem with knowing more than what is being taught is that I end up not giving the model answer and also I am sometimes caught out with things that I simply do not know and have not taken the time to learn.  I discovered recently that asking how someone is should get a specific reply for example - Hoe gaat het met jouw? Met mij gaat het goed.  Most people will respond with just one word goed, prima, slecht etc.  So I have learnt how I should reply even if in reality people do not use the rest of the phrase.  In fact most just say Hoe gaat het? or Alles kits achter the ritz?  My spelling maybe out and that latter question is basically 'how's it hanging?' and is usually just said between men.

Anyway the company that provides the course is Groep T and I would recommend it if you are in the Leuven region.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Why I Work In An Effing Office!

This is a tale of proper planning and preparation and having the right tools for the job, in this case it was rather a half arse attempt on my part born out of previous experience that almost failed.  The silver lining to this tale and the moral of the story is to have the determination and perseverance to fight through when all seems hopeless.

It all started with a cursory inspection of the rear brakes on my Jaguar X-Type.  I only had the car for another week before I was due to hand it over to an auction house and pick up my new car.  Unfortunately I was due to cover some considerable miles in that last week and I came to the conclusion that the rear brakes were no longer safe and needed to be replaced.  I have changed brakes with my step-dad many times in my childhood and more recently on a number of cars that I have had since.  The basic task is as follows:

Loosen wheelnuts
Put blocks on either side of the front wheels to stop it rolling off.
Select first gear
Release the handbrake
Jack car up
Remove wheel and place under the car in case the car should fall
Loosen the two nuts holding the brake calliper in place.
Remove worn pads
Inspect brake disc for damage/wear
lever back piston in the calliper to make room for the new pads (I will come back to this)
Take the replacement pads, apply anti squeal grease and place into calliper
Put it all back together and repeat on the other side.

Now this job really should not take more than about an hour to complete all told.  It took me two days in the end as I shall now relate!  Before I begin it is worth mentioning that there was a time critical factor that would come into play.  I had an appointment in Germany on the Thursday and before departing I called into the car parts shop to acquire the brake pads, this is always fraught with danger as there are thousands of parts to choose from and they must be the correct ones otherwise you are Donald ducked, so to speak.  In order to ensure I had the right parts I gave them my registration document which showed the vehicle identification number.  I also took the opportunity to buy a couple of ratchet spanners, which would aid my removal of the callipers.  I then drove to Germany and was back at a reasonable time to begin fitting the brakes in the afternoon.

I had the rear wheel off in no time and had the calliper removed and the brake pads out, then came the moment of truth, I compared the new pads to the old ones and to no great surprise, they were completely different!  So came the second trip to the car parts shop where I was informed that they would have to order the parts in, thankfully they would be there by 09.00 the next day.  I was not impressed but then what can you expect?  In order to speed things up I unwisely decided to remove the pads from both sides of the car and then replace the wheels.  So to summarise, my car was now without rear brakes and chocked up.  I planned to quickly replace the brakes the following morning and then get on with some work.

The next morning I took my wife to work so I could then use her car during the day.  I left it until 09.36 before going to pick up the parts.  To put things into context I would be picking up the wife at 16.00 before going to the Ardennes

Having picked up the parts the next task was to whip off the wheels in turn, lever back the pistons and fit the pads.  I started on one side and it quickly became apparent that the piston was not going to lever back, in fact it seemed stuck fast.  This presented problems because if it was seized then it would mean obtaining a new calliper and then would involve messing about with brake hydraulics, of which I had little or no experience of, I was not chuffed.  I tried removing the cap on the brake fluid reservoir in order to allow the pressure to be relieved, this did not work.  I resolved to get the other side done and thus replaced the wheel and went to work on the other side.  Having removed it I then came across the same problem.  Now with both pistons refusing to budge it was highly likely that they both could not be seized and that it was just a case of me not being able to move them.  So I felt compelled to obtain the correct tool for the job, something that I should have had from the outset but that my previous experience had demonstrated was not really necessary.  I had in fact done my wife's brakes recently without any issue and she drives a Volvo V50.

Cue a trip to a different car parts shop (I was unhappy with the other one), this was my third visit to a shop.  When I got there I was told that they had sold their last specialist tool the day before and could order it in.  The pressure started to tell.  The price was 44 euros for a hand powered tool and 88 for a hydraulic powered tool.  I asked if they could recommend a shop that may have it, you got it they recommended the one I had already been to, cue the fourth trip back to the other shop!

It is worth mentioning that my Dutch and their English was not up to the task and so I had to resort to miming a few times, but it should have been obvious.  So I went to the original shop where I got the brake pads and looked for the specialist tool, they had a hydraulic one but not the hand powered one.  I had to show the staff what I was talking about and I asked if that was all he had, he said yes but then I may as well have asked him in Klingon and he would have still said yes.  I had very little faith in what I was being told.  Two key points from this visit, firstly the tool was 108 euros (and that was after a discount) and I specifically and clearly asked him if I needed anything else to operate the tool.  He said no but what he should have said is 'have you got an air compressor?' The answer of course would have been no, I would discover this critical point in the not too distant future.

Once back at the car I then whipped the wheel off again (I had lost track of how many times I had jacked the car up and removed the wheels).  I then read the instructions for the tool and got to the gem which said, 'and plug your air hose into the tool' The anger and frustration at this point is best left unwritten.  I was starting to boil and get rather hacked off.  I tried, in vain, to use the tool without the air and I succeeded in opening up the piston and effectively jamming the tool onto the calliper, at least it was not seized!

During the whole evolution I was sweating in the heat of the sun and at different stages wearing thick knee pads, gloves, shorts, t-shirt and sandals.  I looked a bit of a twat really but I was not concerned with that!

Anyway cue the fifth trip to a different shop, Freetime, to procure an air compressor.  After asking advice and obtaining an air hose at a cost of 28 euros and a compressor at 114 euros.  I asked the sales assistant about the fittings and he said there were two sizes of fitting, large and small.  I said I thought that the tool had a small fitting and that was just as well because the air compressor and air hose were both small fittings.  I was wrong.  I returned to the car, carefully read the instructions for the air compressor and then went to connect up all the parts.  When I got to the bit where I connected the air hose to the tool I discovered that in fact the tool had the large fitting.  To say that I was swearing under my breath is an understatement.  Time was marching on and I was no closer to finishing the job.  I should have added that I was nervous about using the compressor as it is in essence explosive being very high pressure, in reality it was simple to use as I would eventually discover.  Anyway cue the sixth visit to the shops, Freetime again, to get an adaptor to connect the small to the large fittings on the tool.

At Freetime I found out that they did not have the required fitting and could not assist, in a word, bollocks.  I asked if he knew anywhere that I could get such a fitting and he pointed me to the Iron shop.  Now I had passed this inconspicuous place many times, noting the name but being oblivious to the Aladdin's cave of tools and bits that lay behind this deceptively innocent façade.  I duly pulled in to the parking area on my seventh visit to a shop. The shop itself is full of tools and fixtures and fittings, clothing and all sorts of male DIY and professional things.  I could, on any other day, spend an hour or so looking around.  Not today though.  The ladies behind the counter could not understand what I was asking for and I could not explain it, not without being rude as it involved male and female connectors.  Anyway the short answer was to bring the air hose and the tool into the shop (at my dismay as the tool was jammed onto the calliper).

I decided to try Hubo before heading back just in case they had the fitting (eighth fruitless visit to a shop) they did not have the part I needed.  So I returned to the car and managed to free the tool from the car and take both that and the air hose to the Iron shop, visit number nine.  When I got there and presented the bits the ladies confidently said that they did not have the part and would have to order it.  I could have screamed out for the mercy of God but I kept my composure, realising the desperation of my predicament I tried to think of an alternative.  I resolved to try one last place before considering widening the scope of my search to other towns and cities.  I went back to the original car parts shop for my tenth visit of the day.

Irately I explained to the lady in that shop (being watched by the bloke who had sold me the tool) that they said I did not need anything else but that in fact I needed an air compressor and that I had subsequently bought one.  I now explained the issue with the adaptor and asked if they had anything that could help me.  They duly produced a smaller male connector that could be screwed into the tool when you remove the other one and it cost 2.20 euros.  At last I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.  By the time I left the shop it was around 14.40 and I was now getting concerned about having to pick up my wife.

When I got to the car it had just started to rain, I laughed and thought bloody typical.  I have worked on cars in some awful conditions so this rain was not going to prevent me from completing the job.  I managed to complete the task in about 20 minutes after that and in my haste had forgotten to add the anti-squeal grease, which was to annoy fellow motorists and pedestrians as I drove by later on.

In the end I had spent approximately 350 euros on all tools and materials for the replacement of the rear brake pads.  To do the front and rear plus discs and labour would have cost me 600 euros.  Looking on the bright side, I now definitely have all of the tools required to do the job and I am now seeking to expand my collection of pneumatic tools!

The moral, stick with it and make sure you have the right gear before you start!  The car has now been sold and is squealing its way around Peterborough now.